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Conference Paper
Kleinermann, F, Troyer DO, Creelle C, Pellens B.  2007.  Adding Semantic Annotations, Navigation Paths and Tour Guides to Existing Virtual Environments. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM). :50-62.
Pellens, B, Troyer DO, Bille W, Kleinermann F.  2005.  Conceptual Modeling of Object Behavior in a Virtual Environment. Research in Interactive Design, Proceedings of the International Virtual Concept Conference. :93-94.
De Troyer, O, Kleinermann F, Pellens B, Ewais A.  2009.  Supporting Virtual Reality in an Adaptive Web-Based Learning Environment. Learning in the Synergy of Multiple Disciplines, Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL). :627-632.